Mitzvah For Israel

You can do additional Mitzvahs for Protection for Israel, in addition to the Mezuzah:

Tefillin for Israel

We are giving out 1,200 pairs of Tefillin l'zechus the 1,200 that have been killed by Hamas.
One Tefillin for every person murdered by Hamas. We won't stop until we get there.

FREE Tefillin, fully paid for, for anyone willing to commit to wrapping every day.

If you have anyone you're in touch with who would be willing to make a serious commitment to wrapping daily, please fill click on the button:

Light for Israel

Jewish women and girls: the world needs your light!

Over the past few days, the world witnessed extreme tragic darkness. Thousands of Jews murdered, injured and kidnapped; families torn apart; the entire Jewish world is in deep pain.

You have the power to add light to this great darkness.

When you light the Shabbat candles, you add both physical and spiritual light to the world. And we all know that the world really needs it now more than ever!

The brave IDF soldiers need your light.
The injured need your light.
The hostages need your light.
The victims need your light.
The world needs your light!

Light Shabbat candles this Friday (and every Friday!). If you already light on a regular basis, put a few coins to charity before lighting, and encourage your friends to light as well.

Join the Unity Torah Scroll

The Torah is the common denominator that unites all Jewish people. Special Torah scrolls are being written in Israel, in which every single Jewish person may purchase a letter to become part of the Torah and unite together. Besides for fulfilling (at least in part) the Biblical commandment to write a Torah scroll, having a letter in these scrolls connects you and Jewish people all over the globe, in Israel and the diaspora, into one Torah-created unified entity.

What you can do: Purchase letters for yourself and your family members, and encourage others to do the same.

  • To purchase letters (for a symbolic $1) in the special Torah for all Jewish children under bar- or bat-mitzvah age

  • To purchase letters for Jews of all ages in a general unity Torah

This Giving Box is an ARK

Compassion and kindness are strengthened by consistency. Giving small amounts of charity every day causes one to become a giver. Having a dedicated giving box to place money every day provides a visual reminder of the importance of giving.

People are more influenced by the things they do than by the knowledge they are taught. This initiative is inspired by the Rebbe's call for all people to increase in acts of goodness and kindness.

Through nurturing the inherent goodness within everyone and cultivating the latent empathy all people possess, we can change the world around us for the better, ushering in an era of global peace and tranquility for all.

Mitzvah for Israel

You Don’t Need a Tank to Protect Your People—Do a Mitzvah Today!

World Jewry pledging a Mitzvah for every soldier defending our nation.